Wednesday, September 13, 2006

My cousin Daniel!

To my cousin Daniel, now my cousin may be a little mean sometimes, but I still love my cousin I'm proud to say Daniels my cousin and I am always going to look up to him, I guess for now. My cousin Daniel loves me and he also care's about me to. I'll try to warn you maybe even twice don't mess with me I'm protected by My cousin Daniel. Now, as one of the sayings I really love I'll tell you it once but there's no garentee I can tell you twice,Go ahead push ME! around, but you ought to know I have the BIGGEST, BADDEST COUSIN in TOWN!

My sister Valerie!

This is my crazy but innerjettic sister she is 9 and soon becoming 10 September 14th I love my sister two a million pieces and possibly even more, when someone tries to bully her at school she comes and tells me because she looks up to me, so go ahead push her around but you ought to know she's got the BiGGest, BaDDest Sister In TOWN! I love my sister!

Monday, September 11, 2006


It is really sad to know that everyday someone's being blown up all over the world. People are losing there homes and losing family members everyday, and don't know witch way to turn. But if we can hang on a little longer this will all be over no more pain and suffering we'll be sitting right there with the LORD ALHMIGHTY if anyone out there are suffering these tragic acidents and you do not believe in the lord, trust the lord please trust the lord he's there let Jesus be your light and shining armor. The lord God is really true and he is somewhere in the clouds waiting for you he is the lord will send a little hummingbird to fly your soul home oneday. The lord loves us all ,think about it he loves us all to the bottom of his heart and really even more than that, you may not think the lords there but he is and he's taking all his belivers home one by one, not because he does not love but it's what's for the best and he can not look at us suffering everyday and hour being blown up and be caught in tragic acidents like 9-11 most of the people in 9-11 have been taken to heaven were there is Paradise so believe he's there and for the people who have lost a loved one in 9-11 I'm very sorry!